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  • Foto van schrijverPalaeontologica Belgica

PaleoTime NL 2021

Yesterday (13-03-2021), the annual PaleoTime NL gathering took place as an online event. For the first time in over year, paleontology enthusiasts from Belgium and the Netherlands found eachother online in two YouTube feeds and a zoom video conference channel. The whole event included a varied mix of lectures, poster sessions, presentations, quizzes, and short documentaries. All the channels found their way to an international audience and was streamed for over 8 hours.

Together with our colleagues from Trilolab, we provided the content for the Youtube preparation channel. Different preparation techniques were illustrated live or via pre-made presentations. Topics like mechanical preparation, the use of air scribes, sandblasting, treating pyrite decay, chemical preparation and the use of epoxy glues were discussed. Tips and tricks were shared and a constructive interaction with our audience in the live feed provided us with interesting questions and remarks of the audience.

During the day, different steps and approaches on how to preparate a Hollardops trilobite were shown live to the public. A look inside the collection and tips on how to manage a proper scientific collection (labelling, storage, database setup etc.) were discussed by Frederic Lerouge from Trilolab. This fruitful collaboration and exciting broadcast surely made us hungry for more. We hope to provide our audience with more insightful videos over the next months.

If you missed the broadcast, you can always go to the Trilolab YouTube channel and re-watch the entire broadcast. We would like to thank the PaleoTime NL organisation and all of our viewers for making this possible.

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